Plaintiff is suing for a transmission replacement on the car she bought from defendant, as it was under a warranty she paid to him, $2800.
Plaintiff claims she paid $1000 for the warranty; when the car had problems with the transmission the warranty was denied, the transmission costs $2800. Defendant claims that simply the warranty was denied, happens a lot, not his fault, he offered to refund the $1000 that she paid for the warranty. The Judge called the warranty company, they told her they do not have a contract with those people, they do have a record of a call from the defendant, meaning he did not know they did not have a contract; Judge thinks somebody is pocketing the $1000 the plaintiffs paid for the warranty. Case is freeze until the defendant can provide proof that his company made that payment of $1000 to the warranty company, if he cant provide that evidence defendant must pay for the transmission.
ABOUT The People's Court
Marilyn Milian is an American retired Florida state circuit court judge.
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